
The writer professes to be an active crossdresser for most of her life. She has indicated that she has had many inter- esting experiences and has wan- ted to write about them for some time. So here is one of our anomymous friend's "encoun- ters."





An elderly neighbor lady once told me that a secret, par- ticularly a personal secret, is best kept secret. At a slightly later date in my life an equally aged associate stated that though the concept of personal secrecy was basically sound, the resulting personal anguish did, in fact af- ford some justification for pru- dent risk-taking. I have favored the second philosophy over my still young life and over most of these years I have, on a daily basis, consciously confronted the problem of being a transvestite.

Even though I have made every effort to be "prudent", to take elaborate precautions, I re- main amazed at the chances that were taken and the "escapes" that were accomplished. I have come through this period rela- tively unscathed, but more than a little wiser for some of my ex- periences.

Over the course of the past few months, I have felt the need to write about various aspects of my life as an active transvestite. Perhaps these short accounts will be considered to be worthy of perpetuation and printed for your consideration. I hope that

you will find them enjoyable..... I most certainly did.

Several years ago I was a college student at a small uni- versity in the southwest part of the country. I lived by myself in a large, pleasant house very closely associated with the cam- pus. My life in this house was very comfortable, and a bit lone- ly. However, I had a close circle of friends....the closest being fe- male.

At this time in my life I was having a great amount of trouble resolving transvestism with a "normal life". The major prob- lem revolved around the inner need to be honest with loved ones and being able to relate to them some working knowledge about emotional and material needs. But what would their re- action be? What things are best left untouched? The usual an- xieties...Ihave resolved to tell you the story of how I came to resolve this conflict with one per-


I had a friend who I shall call Susan. Now Susan lived in an a- partment approximately six city blocks from my house; was very attractive; and was a graduate stu- dent in the social sciences. We en- joyed each others company to a


considerable extent and engaged in many activities together, though our sexual encounters, by mutual understanding, had not gone past the "heavy petting stage". I never let Susan know of my transvestite inclinations and as far as I am aware, I never provided her with physical evidence sug- gestive of this condition.

There are times, however, when one wonders about the pow- ers of insight. One evening, after an enjoyable time at a local the- ater, upon returning to Susan's apartment, I had remarked that a dress hanging in a cleaner's bag near the door was attractive. I had seldom, if ever, made such re- marks...but there it was. Susan quickly responded, "It would probably just fit you." I was hap- py to observe that there was a playful gleem in her eyes and that the comment was not to be taken seriously. And so the incident passed and after a while we part- ed, she with her thoughts and I with my fertile imagination.

I should be honest with you at this point. I have been a very active transvestite since early childhood. I would "dress" at nearly every opportunity. . .se- cretly and so very carefully. Elab- orate escape plans for even short night walks were the norm. A walk to a certain location would be carefully rehearsed and would have various details carefully memorized well before the time of